What is Your Real Age?

Monday, April 12, 2010

That is what 53 looks like ladies! Ms. Christie Brinkley is obviously doing something right. Your body doesn't lie, if you are healthy on the inside, it will project it on the outside.

Do you know your REAL age? About a year ago while watching the Dr. Oz show (if you don't know who he is, he's Oprah's doctor and a great health talk show host with an upbeat personality), he made a recommendation for everyone to find out their real age. Your probably thinking, um.... I already know my real age. This is a different kind of thing, it's actually a test that measures multiple facets of your lifestyle to determine if you body is physically older, younger or the same as your biological age. Who wouldn't want to know this, right?

Being the curious and health conscious person that I am, I decided to spend about 20 minutes to do the real age test which in turn revealed my true age according to my body and habits right now. This test assesses everything from your weight, vegetable intake, how often you exercise, what type of exercises you do, how often you visit your doctor, how much fiber you consume, how high your blood pressure is and the list goes on! After answering several questions you wait anxiously for the answer. It also shares with you areas of improvement so you can make positive changes also. So, if you get an age older than your biological age, don't fret as your results are not necessarily permanent, you can turn things around pretty quickly with a few lifestyle changes.

What is my real age you might be wondering? Well, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that much of my hard work and years of good habits have paid off. It turns out that I am actually 6 years younger than my biological age. Now that's the kind of news I like to hear!

Truth be told I don't even know what my blood type is (sad, I know) or what my cholesterol level is but knowing my lifestyle and the fact that I've scaled back on shellfish (major cholesterol contributor) in a big way over the years and I don't eat fried or greasy foods.  I think that area should be in balance, but I do plan to have it formally checked during my upcoming physical. If you don't know certain requested information, the test factors that in and you don't need to worry about it, just do the best you can. I know I can also improve in the exercise department by doing more cardio and being more consistent at the gym as well as consuming less sugar.

On the flipside my girlfriend was saddened to find out that she was 8 years older than her biological age! Knowing her lifestyle I can't say that I was surprised as she does smoke quite a bit which is a huge factor, however she is a vegetarian and eats a lot of organic food which probably helped her score from becoming worse. Needless to say it was a bit of a wakeup call for her. After doing this test she vowed to make some changes and lose weight and has succesfully kept off 15 pounds since doing the real age test a few months ago.

Dr. Oz uses the real age calculator too on his show when working with those who are in need of losing weight, looking to reduce their cholesterol and blood pressure and also looks at their success in terms of those figures. The really great part is that every person who made positive changes in their life got to see their real age decrease as they adopted a healthier lifestyle. The same is true for all of us too, as they say 28 days to a new habit.

There is also a real age diet book by Dr. Oz's co-author of his other books Michael Roizen, M.D., who shares which foods are most beneficial to your body to keep your real age as low as possible. I haven't read it yet but it looks like a good read.

Here is the REAL AGE calculator link so you can try it out too. Let me know if you decided to try it. Were your results what you expected? Did the test make you assess your lifestyle to make any changes or did it encourage you that you are already making the right choices?