Heading in a New Direction....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day weekend and did something memorable or relaxing to bring the last summer long weekend to a close. It's been a bit crazy around here lately. As you know, last week was my birthday and then yesterday hubby and I celebrated our 6-Year Anniversary (it's exactly a week apart). I spent yesterday cleaning, running errands, doing laundry and packing for my annual trip back home to Toronto to visit my family and closest friends-this time for 14 days! It's a birthday present to myself and I'm very excited to head north and escape the blazing Florida sun and humidity in favor of seeing colorful leaves, wearing sweaters by night and enjoying hot apple cider and crisp evening air.

During my trip I will have my iPhone with me and will be checking e-mail here and there when I have downtime. If you have a question or leave a comment, I will read every single comment and e-mail but it may take a little while to get back to you. My plan is also to share regular inspiration on Facebook but it may not be daily as it is now, just until I return.

I'm really excited to get away and unwind and although I'll miss my husband, I need some ME time and I also really long to re-connect with my closest girlfriends who I now only see once per year. Hubby is staying behind holding the fort down while he dives into a new Master's Degree program.

Not only am I getting on a plane and heading in a new direction but once I'm home from my trip I'm excited to move in a new direction in terms of a new feature here on the blog too. Over a month ago I posted a poll in the sidebar and asked you what kind of posts you wanted to see more of. I had heard from several of you via comments and e-mails here and on Facebook that you really love the Manners Monday posts, so that is a series keeper. ;) What many of you wanted to see even more was fashion posts, such as the What to Wear  series that I created. I'm looking forward to sharing regular posts with you for varying ages all about what a classy woman wears, putting together outfits and I may even share my own outfits and break them down for you. ;) I'll be beginning a regular Fashion Friday series that you can look forward to just as you do with the Manners Monday posts. By all means, if you have a request for something in particular, do e-mail me and I'll do my best to share it here on the blog.

Thanks so much for reading! I've got my bags packed, passport in hand and I'm ready to head to the airport, so I'll see you all here again in two weeks! Have a  great week! :)


*Photo Credit