9 Months Down, 9 More to go!
Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 8:59 PMHello Lovelies! Sorry for my absence, no sooner do I find myself excited to be blogging again after some time away, I have to pack up and jet set to another city for a while. These plans weren't part of the program a few months ago but I'm embracing the spontaneity nonetheless. I thought I'd share a little update with you since some of you have e-mailed me with questions about where I've been and how Paul and I are doing.
Recently, I took a week off to visit family in California and then attended a beautiful wedding after finding out about it just a few weeks before, the happy couple didn't want to waste any time in planning an elaborate wedding and I was happy to be a part of their day.
Before coming home from California I started to get a really scratchy throat which the recycled airplane air just perpetuated. With the dry air, many late nights and the timezone change, upon arriving back to Orlando I had a full blown cold on my hands at the precise time that several new staging and design clients were starting to contact me. Thankfully they were willing to work with my present crazy schedule. As for my cold, it was winning up until yesterday when my homeopathic remedy called 'Coldcalm' as well as my extreme raw garlic intake and loads apple cider vinegar and honey finally started to fight back, I still have a ways to go though.
I was finally able to work on some designs plans and get all of my laundry ready and am starting to pack for yet another trip, this time to see my hubby in NYC! This will be my first visit there since he began his Master's program at NYU 9 months ago. Do you remember back when I wrote this post about this new chapter in our life? That first full year of school just seemed so far down the road that today I can't believe it's over, on May.11th Paul handed in his final assignment and his first full year officially ended, only 9-12 more months to go!
In March hubby started entertaining the idea of summer classes to speed up his graduating time frame. I'll admit it was really stressful and difficult for me to even think about because he had promised to come back home for those 3 months in the summer so we could reconnect and spend more than 2 weeks at a time together. I know how hard he's worked to get to where he is today but I started to feel as though the distance was too much for our marriage. We've gone though so much together these past 9 months including planning for some home improvement work to be done to our home while at a distance. We were starting to become disconnected seeing each other every two months so I proposed to move to NYC for the summer if he went ahead with the classes and he was excited about the idea.
For the past month I've been thinking about the move and we've looked at furnished apartments together online in the city that we can afford. I also love the idea that I would be a very short flight or even a drive away from family and friends in Toronto too. Hubby told me he's still waiting to hear whether he'll get approved for financial aid during those summer months. We both decided that if he does, I'll be moving north to experience life in the big apple and if he doesn't, he'll be flying home for a couple months which isn't a bad thing because it's our least expensive option. He'll be spending next month in Vietnam where he'll complete one of his classes that he's already begun to make his course load easier next year. Either way, the plan is to spend the summer together and I'm very excited about it! Again, if I'm slow on the e-mail responses or you don't see me popping by your blog for a bit, that's why.
That is what's been happening around here for me. What new changes have been happening where you are? Is anyone else currently in a long distance relationship?
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