Do you have any credit cards with reward point options? If you don't believe you do, you may want to look into it anyway, you might be surprised at what you find!
So, last week I happened to log into my online banking account to check my balances as I do regularly to ensure that everything was being paid on time. I happened to see an interesting bit of information on my account page. It was a message reminding everyone to redeem their rewards points before they expired. I started wondering if I in fact had some and hadn't realized it yet and wondered how I could earn them.
I looked at the front of both my debit and credit card from my bank and they both had the word 'REWARDS' written one the front. How had I never thought about this until now? I made a quick call and discovered I had earned just under 12,000 points in the past few months. Without knowning what could be earned with those rewards I decided to sign in and create my account to see what I could get. It turns out there were a whole lot of great items and gift cards available. Without using up all of my points I was able to score $75 dollars worth of Target giftcards that arrived this morning! I am so excited. Just weeks before my discovery I had prayed that God would show me money in unexpected places (as money has been tight with the slowing of mine and hubby's businesses) and that He did! We are loved by such an awesome and powerful God!
With Christmas in just 25 days, you would have a chance of redeeming your points and getting something you can use as a gift or giftcards that will translate into gifts for your family to help save you money this season!
Another area that gets forgotten about is gift cards. I like to keep mine together in a little pouch in my wallet so I always have them on hand to use as cash, but I know many of you might have some in your wallet, some in a dresser drawer, etc. This is another wonderful way to use resources you already have to save yourself money on gift purchases this season. Don't forget about airmiles! If you are planning to visit family in the coming weeks, be sure to look into your airmiles balance to see if you can redeem them for a free flight.
Click HERE to see how I discovered free money in my other bank account and you can too!
Let me know what you find. My hope is that this post will encourage you to find hidden money in unexpected places! Don't forget to check your unworn coat pockets from last year. ;)