I hope everyone had a fun weekend. I wanted to start the week and the new month off with the name of our Pear Tree Greetings giveaway winner. On a technical note, I've stopped using the old screen capture tool for grabbing the random.org image of the winning number, as the tool was creating issues on my laptop. (If someone has a better way, please let me know. I was using 'a lot' toolbar before and had to keep installing then uninstalling it afterward because I don't own photoshop.)
We had just 14 entries and random.org deems No.8 to be the winner! Congratulations to 'Rich and Mallory'! I'll be e-mailing you shortly with the info for your cards!
She said, if she won, she'd choose these thank you cards:
Thank you Pear Tree Greeting for your awesomeness and thanks to all of you who took the time to enter our Thank You Card giveaway!
I'm still amazed that it's November ALREADY. I'm going to be using this month as a fresh start to get back on track in a few areas of my life that I've been neglecting lately. Working out, making batch meals to save trips to the grocery store so I can stop buying semi-prepared foods and doing a little more reading and writing and less TV watching/ web surfing rank high on the list right now. How about you? Are you ready to have a clean slate in an area of your life to begin afresh this month?