Several months ago I set up a Twitter account and one of the people I added to my following list was Bethenny Frankel. You might recognize her name as she is one of the Reality tv personalities for the show 'Real Housewives of New York' on Bravo as well as a Natural Food Chef and Author.
In her TV life, she is sarcastic, witty, funny and as she even admits, sometimes a bit bold and in-your-face when confronted with nonsense and drama. In her non-tv life though she appears to be a genuine and caring person who truly wants to help and uplift others with her books, healthy cooking and diet tips and is very diligent about responding to reader questions via twitter, which is why I follow her tweets. I like personable people that make time for others and don't let fame go to their head.
I came across this tweet below on Friday night by one of Bethenny's fans, wishing her well on her 7 month pregnancy and new marriage:
I'm a nobody from NH, but I'm 43 yr old mom of 3 & have the very best thoughts for u right now. Good luck.
Bethenny's immediate reply:
My heart sank when I read this and I felt compelled to share it with you all. I couldn't believe this mother of three had called herself a 'nobody'. :(
For anyone else that may feel the same way from time to time because you feel your job as a student, employee, mother or care taker of your home or an ill parent is less important or interesting just remember this:
We were all put on this earth for a reason. We all have a unique purpose to fulfill, our own sense of humor to share with others, gifts, talents, and abilities to explore and put to good use. None of us are less than another because we are not a household name, featured in the weekly tabloids or making millions from being in the public eye. Many female 'celebrities' are famous simply for being famous and countless others are in the spotlight on an almost daily basis for all the wrong reasons. It's not the kind of legacy I would ever want to leave behind.
Remember the many facets of who you are. For many of us this includes being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, aunt, niece, cousin, colleague, team mate, step-mother, teacher, blogger, activist and the list goes on. I can assure you that you are a somebody to many people in your life, even if you don't quite feel it.
Be confident in who you are and be the very best possible version of yourself that you can be and above all be nice to yourself, love yourself. If you don't, nobody else can.
If you know of women in your life that are feeling low, raise their spirits. Give them a genuine compliment, let them know how you feel about them and how much they mean to you. Sometimes, as Bethenny demonstrated with her reply, people just need a little bit of love and some kind words to remind them who they are. :)